Winton Methodist Church


A community of welcome, sharing & hope

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Alternative forms of worship

Among the world's universal truths is "you can't please all of the people all of the time," and we know that's as true for church as anything else. So we've developed Multiplex, a vibrant new way of appealing to more of the people, more of the time.

Our suite of premises allows us to plan more than one avenue of worship on these special Sundays. Alongside one another may be running any and all of the following alternatives, all designed to explore the Biblical text of the day in different ways. Commonly, all the groups will convene in the main church for a short time of worship together before breaking out to explore the theme in in a variety of interesting and engaging forms:

  • Traditional Service
    In the Sanctuary (the main church room), a recognisable Methodist service will take place, led by a suitably accredited Minister or Local Preacher, so if a Sermon is to your taste, this is where you'll feel at home.

  • Sensory Room
    A space containing interactive material where the message can be be explored using the 5 senses. This room draws on our experience of Labyrinth and builds on it with contributions from different people each time. A quiet, reflective room, this is ideally suited to those who prefer take their time and inwardly dwell on the points raised.

  • 'Bitesize' Discussion Room
    Our discussion group meets, and welcomes folk with all levels of faith understanding, to mull over the questions and issues raised by the day's scripture. This group is led by one of our regular members or by our Deacon as we unpack the message in conversation. There'll be coffee and biscuits on hand too.

  • Messy Church
    A popular form of "Fresh Expression", Messy Church has become widely practised throughout Britain, and we get stuck in on occasions too. This event is designed around children and their abilities to learn through play, through sticking, painting, modelling clay and a hundred other gooey activities. Limited only by the imagination of the week's leaders, this isn't something to wear your 'Sunday best' for! Come wipe-clean if you can!

  • Sunday Explorers
    Our regular children's groups meet by this name on most Sundays, and they don't stop for Multiplex! If you're a parent who wants to engage in one of the other expressions but knowing your children are well cared for while you do, they're welcome to join our experienced leaders for content appropriate to their age group.

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